TMS for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
TMS Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe anxiety reaction. It commonly appears as an inclination to avoid locations or contact that could trigger memories of the traumatic event. PTSD adversely affects patients' quality of life for an extended period, impacting their ability to engage in daily activities normally.
The estimated lifetime occurrence of PTSD among the general population is about 8%, while an additional 5-15% may undergo sub-clinical presentations of the disorder.
However, a significant portion of individuals who encounter a distressing incident will not experience a persistent post-traumatic reaction. The statistics clearly show hope is at hand; hence, treatment such as TMS for PTSD is essential for a patient's recovery.
PTSD is significantly higher among military veterans, indicated by data suggesting that 30% of Vietnam War veterans contend with PTSD, along with an additional 25% exhibiting a subclinical form of the disorder.
Some of the common causes of PTSD are as follows:
- Military combat
- Accidents
- Abuse or assault
- Natural disasters
- Substance abuse
Recognizing PTSD
The chances of experiencing PTSD depend on several factors, including the support a patient receives after a traumatic event, the community's attitude, and individual predispositions to the disorder.
There are 3 main types of post-traumatic stress reactions in a patient:
Patients may encounter re-experiencing symptoms wherein sights, smells, and sounds unexpectedly trigger discomfort. Nightmares, frequent flashbacks, and an ongoing sense of helplessness are common occurrences. Re-experiencing symptoms over time can cause considerable distress for patients.
Most Common Reactions:
- Persistent thoughts and reliving of the incident
- Experiencing flashbacks of the event
- Encountering nightmares related to the incident
- Feeling upset when reminded of the event
In the initial stages, a typical response in patients is a concerted effort to suppress thoughts and discussions related to the traumatic event. Consequently, they may avoid places and people that remind them of the event. Patients expressing symptoms of avoidance frequently experience a sense of emotional numbness or detachment they describe as ‘feeling dead inside.’ In severe instances, this avoidance behavior may significantly impede routine activities such as grocery shopping or obtaining necessary medications, ultimately leading to complete isolation.
Most Common Reactions:
- Reluctance to discuss the events
- A desire to avoid reminders, including specific places and individuals
- Developing fears of things that weren't previously anxiety-inducing
- Steering clear of social activities
- Reduced interactions in the company of friends and family
- Difficulties with concentration
PTSD patients often experience a sudden heightened ‘fight or flight’ reaction to seemingly non-existent danger. This causes episodes of extreme fear or anger, often accompanied by physical outbursts. The patients do this when they think there is a threat to their safety. Ideally, this reaction should cease once safety is assured.
However, patients often find themselves in a perpetual state of heightened alertness, preventing rest and leading to difficulties such as disrupted sleep, impaired concentration, and heightened irritability. They may experience jumpiness and startle easily at sudden noises. Prolonged hyper-arousal can be unsettling and have repercussions on daily functioning for patients.
Most Common Reactions:
- Experiencing heightened anxiety and harboring concerns about the potential occurrence of additional adverse events
- Displaying increased sensitivity, evidenced by easily startled reactions to sudden noises
- Exhibiting irritability and occasional angry outbursts
- Struggling with memory recall and difficulties in maintaining focus on tasks
- Encountering challenges with sleep, including difficulty falling or staying asleep
- Engaging in self-destructive behaviors, such as excessive alcohol consumption
A recommended complete TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) treatment for PTSD involves five sessions per week over a maximum of six weeks, followed by three weeks with reduced session frequency. In our experience with TMS for PTSD patients at Shore Clinical TMS & Wellness Center, we have frequently observed positive outcomes.
Patients report a decrease in the intensity of their PTSD symptoms and a reduced likelihood of experiencing them.
TMS therapy for PTSD considers any interconnected issues that may contribute to or arise from the condition, including phobias and depression. This non-invasive treatment, which requires no anesthesia, medication, hospitalization, or recovery time, utilizes repetitive magnetic pulses to stimulate the specific brain areas associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. It is also effective in addressing complex post-traumatic stress disorder.
TMS Therapy for PTSD at Shore Clinical TMS & Wellness Center
The most commonly used form of TMS for PTSD is called repetitive TMS (rTMS). It involves the delivery of multiple brief pulses to the same area of the brain over several minutes. Our clinic follows the process:
Initiation: We determine the personalized stimulation dose for the patient's brain cells during the initial treatment session. Simply put, we identify the energy needed to stimulate the patient's brain in the early stages. This dosage is individualized for each person, and our specialists consistently review it during the treatment course to ensure noticeable improvements.
Progress: After determining the correct placement and stimulation dose, the TMS machine will deliver precise impulses to a particular brain region. After the treatment session, patients can quickly resume their usual activities, such as driving, as no medications are given, and they remain fully alert throughout the process.
Results: Over six weeks, patients ideally report fewer and fewer episodes of severe anxiety, sleeplessness, emotional numbness, self-destructive behavior, and more.