What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a cyclic mood disorder characterized by periods of mania and periods of depression.

What are the most common symptoms associated with bipolar disorder?

There are two defined groups of symptoms, depending on the cycle of bipolar disorder. Patients experience nearly different symptoms during mania during depressive episodes. Common symptoms of mania include:

  • Intense energy, even restlessness
  • A feeling of euphoria
  • Inability to sleep
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Denial of illness
  • Increase in sexual activity
  • Aggressive or intrusive behaviors
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Impulsive spending

During the depressive episode, symptoms shift and may include:

  • Feeling sad all the time
  • Feeling guilty, pessimistic, helpless, worthless, or hopeless
  • Fatigue, exhaustion
  • Desire to sleep all the time
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Physical pain
  • Loss of interest in daily activities

How does Shore Clinical TMS diagnose bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder diagnosis is based on a comprehensive mental health evaluation, including a review of symptoms, the patient’s course of illness, and their family history. The type of bipolar disorder (bipolar I, bipolar II, cyclothymic, or not otherwise specified) depends on the cyclic pattern present and intensity of both depressive and manic cycles.

What treatment is available for patients with bipolar disorder?

Mood-stabilizing medications are highly effective in treating bipolar disorder. Lithium is generally the treatment of choice. Also, patients with bipolar disorder can usually benefit from psychotherapy, which can help them identify thought and behavior patterns and better control the outcome. The right treatment plan is different for each patient, and the team at Shore Wellness aims to provide highly customized solutions for optimal patient wellness.

What are the most common barriers to successful treatment?

The single most common barrier is patient compliance. Because bipolar disorder affects mood and energy, the patient’s desire and ability to comply with their treatment plan is dramatically impacted by changes in mood and energy. Patients in the manic cycle may deny they’re ill or that they need their medications and discontinue their regimen. Dr. Gowda aims to maintain a close, communicative relationship with his patients to monitor success and need for additional therapies during treatment.

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